It is a matter of pride today that normal people both young and old are involved in providing services to the disabled just to ensure that they lead a better life. Even the government provides aid and special provisions to the disabled in railways and other government services 3/19/ · In short, the government must find a way to provide health care or insurance for all Americans, and find a way for our society to pay for it. Environment and Energy The role of government is to carefully balance our need for resources (coal, wood, power) against the damage done to the environment (Rational Society, ) Government is an instrument of the state through which it carries out its purposes. A state, as we have seen, is a politically organized and geographically limited body of people that possesses the right to use force. It is an abstract entity and so must have an instrument through which to operate. Government is such an instrument
Essay on the Decentralisation of Power | Government | Political Science
James Mill — was a Scots-born political philosopher, historian, psychologist, educational theorist, economist, and legal, political and penal reformer. Well-known and highly regarded in his day, he is now all but forgotten. The first is that his first-born son was John Stuart Mill, who became even more eminent than his father. Our aim here is to try, insofar as possible, to remove Mill from these two large shadows and to reconsider him as a formidable thinker in his own right, short essay on government.
On these and other subjects he wrote five books and more than a thousand essays and reviews. It is with Mill the political philosopher and educational theorist that the present article is principally concerned. Unlike his famous first-born son, short essay on government, James Mill never wrote an autobiography or even a sketch of his early life, the details of which remained unknown even to his children.
What we do know is this. James Mill was born on 6 April at Northwater Bridge in the county of Forfarshire in the parish of Logie Pert in Scotland. His father, James Milne, was a shoemaker and small farmer of modest means who was quiet, mild-mannered, and devout. His mother, Isabel Fenton Milne, was a more forceful figure. A regimen rather like that imposed by his mother upon her eldest son was later to be imposed upon his first-born son, John Stuart Mill. In this occupation young James clearly excelled.
Before the age of seven he had shown a talent for elocution, composition, and arithmetic, as well as Latin and Greek. The local minister saw to it that James received special attention at the parish school. Before leaving Montrose Academy at the age of seventeen, Mill was persuaded by the parish minister and his mother to study for the ministry. As it happened, she and Sir John were just then looking for a tutor for their fourteen-year old daughter Wilhelmina.
They offered the job to James Mill; he accepted; and when the Stuart family moved to Edinburgh, he accompanied them. InMill enrolled in the University of Edinburgh, where by day he pursued a full course of studies and in the evenings tutored young Wilhelmina.
Each experience left its mark. The Scottish universities at Edinburgh and Glasgow and to a lesser extent Aberdeen and St. Andrews had earlier been the hub of the Scottish Enlightenment and were still the premier universities in Britain. They had numbered among their faculty such luminaries as Francis Hutcheson, Thomas Reid, John Millar, Adam Ferguson, Adam Smith, and—had the orthodox town council of Edinburgh not forbade his admission—would have included David Hume as well.
At Edinburgh Mill took particular delight in the tutelage of Dugald Stewart, who carried on the tradition of Scottish moral philosophy, short essay on government. Mill From to Mill served young Wilhelmina Stuart not only as a teacher but as a companion and confidant.
Her admiration for her tutor quite likely turned to love, and the feeling was apparently reciprocated, short essay on government. But, however promising his prospects, Mill was no aristocrat, a social fact which he was not allowed to forget. In Wilhelmina married a member of her own class, Sir William Forbes to the disappointment of Walter Scott, not least. Wilhelmina died insoon after the birth of her second son.
But this was not the only incident worthy of note in the Mill-Forbes family affair. After completing his first degree inMill began studying for the ministry. For the next four years he supported himself by tutoring the short essay on government and daughters of several noble families.
Yet, the experience was not a happy one. He harbored ever after an abiding short essay on government for an hereditary aristocracy. By the time he was licensed to preach in Mill had apparently begun to lose his faith and had by the early s become short essay on government and disillusioned.
Inat age twenty-nine, he left for London in hopes of improving his situation. For some years thereafter he worked as an independent author, journalist and editor. Besides some 1, editorials, he wrote hundreds of substantial articles and reviews, as well as several books, including his History of British India in three large volumes.
Short essay on government some of these were doubtless labors of love, most were labors of necessity, for Mill had to support himself and his wife Harriet, whom he married inand a fast-growing family. In late or early James Mill met Jeremy Bentham, with whom he soon formed a political and philosophical alliance. The two were in some respects kindred spirits. Both wished and worked for religious toleration and legal reform; both favored freedom of speech and press; both feared that the failure to reform the British political system—by, among other things, eliminating rotten boroughs and extending the franchise—would give rise to reactionary intransigence on the one hand, and revolutionary excess on the other.
But the two men were of vastly different temperaments and backgrounds. Bentham, a wealthy bachelor, was an eccentric genius and closet philosopher. The poor, harried and hard-working Mill was the more practical and worldly partner in that peculiar partnership. He was also a much clearer writer and more persuasive propagandist for the Utilitarian cause. Bentham believed that the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain were the twin aims short essay on government all human action.
And, as with individual self-interest, so too with the public interest. Formerly a dour Scots Presbyterian and still something of a Platonist, he took a dim view of unalloyed hedonism. Like Plato, he ranked the pleasures in a hierarchy, with the sensual pleasures subordinated to the intellectual ones. Short essay on government a time their partnership proved fruitful.
Each in his own way enlisted in the Utilitarian cause. But Bentham and Mill became increasingly estranged, short essay on government. Bentham was irascible and difficult to work with, and Mill on more than one occasion swallowed his pride by accepting financial support and suffering personal rebuke from his senior partner.
Early in the following year he was appointed Assistant Examiner at the East India Company. The two men saw less and less of each other. Their political alliance short essay on government even as their personal relationship cooled. Besides being a tireless reformer and prolific writer, James Mill supplied his son John with one of the most strenuous educations ever recorded in the annals of pedagogy.
The elder Mill gave young John daily lessons in Latin, Greek, French, history, philosophy, and political short essay on government. Literature and poetry were also taught, although with less enthusiasm James Mill, like Plato, distrusted poets and poetry.
John was in turn expected to tutor his younger brothers and sisters in these subjects. Each was examined rigorously and regularly by their unforgiving father, short essay on government, and the nine children, like their mother, short essay on government with in fear of his rebuke.
The reader is never at a loss to know just what his views are or where his sympathies lie. Although his History is in part a Utilitarian treatise and in part a defense of British intervention in Indian affairs, it is more than the sum of those two parts. The criteria according to which Mill judges and criticizes Indian practices and customs derive from the view of historical progress that he had learned from Dugald Stewart and John Millar, amongst others.
Virtually everything that James Mill ever wrote had a pedagogical purpose. He was a relentlessly didactic writer whose most important essays— Government and Educationin particular—take the form of clipped, concise, deductive arguments De Marchi It is a style which his contemporaries either admired or detested, as can be seen for instance in F. Eustace replies:. And that, surely, is a virtue too often lacking among political theorists. And indeed James Mill regarded himself as a theorist, which was, for him, a title to be worn proudly.
Amidst the often contradictory welter of appearance, theory functions a prioriserving as a reliable weather vane and guide Mill This view of theory is much in evidence in all his writings, and in his political essays in particular. The most important of these—and the most controversial—is Government.
Government, Mill maintains, is merely a means to an end, viz. the happiness of the whole community and the individuals composing it. We should begin by assuming that every human being is motivated by a desire to experience pleasure and to avoid pain, short essay on government. Pleasures and pains come from two sources, our fellow human beings and nature. Nature and human nature combine to make government necessary.
Labor being the means of obtaining happiness, and our own labor being painful to us, short essay on government, we will, if permitted, live off the labor of others, short essay on government. To the degree that others enjoy the fruits of my labor, my primary incentive for working—namely my own happiness—is diminished if not destroyed. This cannot happen, Mill maintains, in a monarchy wherein a single ruler exploits his subjects or in an aristocracy wherein a ruling elite exploits the common people.
Nor can communal happiness be maximized in a short essay on government democracy, since the time and effort required for ruling would be subtracted from that available for engaging in productive labor Mill7—9. The only system that serves as a means to the end of individual and communal happiness is representative democracy, wherein citizens elect representatives to deliberate and legislate on their behalf and in their interest. After all, representatives are drawn from the ranks of the people to which they can, after their term in office ends, expect to return.
Macaulay—who contend that representatives elected by the few may best represent the interests of the many. On their view, one need not have a voice—or a vote—to be well represented in Parliament. Properly structured, such a system serves to enhance liberty, since it frees most people from the burdensome and time-consuming business of governing, thereby allowing them to get on with their more productive individual pursuits and, most especially, their productive labors Mill The public interest can be represented only in so far short essay on government the public, or a considerably enlarged portion thereof, has the vote.
Mill is a radical individualist in that he insists that each person is the best, perhaps indeed the only, judge of what his own interests are. And if—as he also insists—the public interest is the sum of all individual non-sinister interests, it follows that the wider the franchise, short essay on government more truly representative the government. Mill deemed any defense of a greatly restricted franchise and virtual representation to be arguments against representative government itself.
Although such remarks have struck many modern commentators as a militant defense of middle class power and privilege, it short essay on government, in fact, nothing of the sort. Clearly, then, short essay on government, the idea of a middle rank cuts across the kinds of class divisions with which we are familiar today.
He is instead an early defender, avant la lettreof the idea of a meritocracy whose members are drawn from all classes and walks of life. The idea that Mill was an apologist for middle-class interests was, of course, a later development. all women. Always the critic, Mill was himself a frequent target of criticism, much of which came from quarters hostile to the kinds of sweeping reforms favored by Bentham and the philosophic radicals.
Key points on : GOVERNMENT with Vocabulary Words - IELTS Speaking +Writing Task 2 - Academic - Gen.
, time: 17:16James Mill (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

The purpose of government is to protect equality and individual rights. The means of a government is in order to protect the individual rights of its citizens; This includes establishing power and deciding what must be done for the cause of its people A short essay on civil government, the substance of six sermons, preached in Windsor, Second Society, October / By Dan Foster, A.M. ; [One line of quotation in Latin] Short Essay On Communism – Government Paper Communism, an extreme socialist idea is defined as “A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social