Saturday, April 24, 2021

Remote learning writing assignments

Remote learning writing assignments

remote learning writing assignments

· Practice writing your first and last name *Some of the activities we did in class were in your belongings~ letter tiles, letter sticks, name puzzle, letter cubes. Your child is familiar with the activities we did in learning the letters in their name. Th ere will be no online remote learning assignments for this week. For this week Writing instruction and grammar practice with WritingCIty can still go on when teachers and students are working remotely. Student and Parent Access. Every teacher on WritingCity has 35 student seats available with their WritingCity classroom. This means that students at all grade levels can have their own login to the digital platform 4/9/ · For this week’s roundup of student comments on our writing prompts, we asked students how they have been coping with remote learning

Activities for Remote Creative Writing Classrooms // Purdue Writing Lab

As the CAT has been recommending writing assignments as alternatives to closed-book exams, we thought it would be helpful to share some advice about teaching writing remotely. CorriganAssociate Professor of English at Southeastern University. Paul is a friend and expert pedagogue who has been chronicling his experiments over social media these past few weeks. When I saw what he was up to, I asked him to share with the Remote learning writing assignments Forest community.

Creating emergency innovations the past few weeks, to teach writing remotely during the pandemic, I have followed the dual mandates of keeping things as simple as possible while also maintaining human contact with students as they work on their writing. But others, like the three strategies I share below, have worked well enough that I will want to continue using them when we all return �� to teaching in person.

I think of these strategies as consolation pedagogies. Not silver linings in a global catastrophe. Not pros remote learning writing assignments weigh against the cons of teaching remotely. Not justifications for keeping courses online permanently. My school jumped to remote instruction just at the moment students in my English Composition II courses were about to begin the final research essay—the project toward which the whole course builds.

Ordinarly, I would have the students complete bite-sized portions of the researching and writing process and bring their work to class to share and discuss with classmates and with me. In fact, most of the rest of the semester would be dedicated to exactly this—all of the students continually writing and sharing in and out of class until the major projects were completed, remote learning writing assignments.

In this arrangement, I could try to get a sense of where my students were in the process, whether they were right on track or veering off a bit and give them impromptu feedback and guidance right there in person. Remote learning writing assignments that is more timely than waiting until students turn in a full or final draft to give them feedback and more feasible than trying to grade and write comments on daily homework assignments along the way.

But with that strategy no remote learning writing assignments possible, what could I do? Furthermore, students can respond to my comments and we can even have a brief conversation about their work right there on the spot in the document. I can see at once who needs nothing more from me, who needs a nudge in the right direction, who has fallen behind or off the grid altogether and respond accordingly.

Teaching composition in person, while students are working on their own research essays, I usually bring to class copies of a sample student essay for us all to read together and discuss. I give students a chart with the criteria for the assignment and ask them to assess the essay themselves and then we all discuss the assessments.

How do the general criteria apply to the specific details of the sample? The idea is that students will get both a concrete example of what a successful project could look like and firsthand experience examining an essay in light of the criteria—to, remote learning writing assignments, ideally, take back and apply to their own drafts, remote learning writing assignments. I consider the interactive portion of this activity essential. Could those dynamics be reproduced remotely?

Using Google Meet and Google Docs, I recorded a video discussion of a sample essay, between myself and the student writer, Olivia Mann, who had written it the semester before. The idea is to give students the text of the essay, the voice, face, and experience of the writer behind it, and my commentary on it as the teacher. Hopefully this will be a compelling way for students to get a better understanding not only of what I am looking for but also what they are capable of.

Simultaneously, to make the resources available in multiple formats, I also simply shared with students that same essay in a Google Doc with my comments on key moments.

A third strategy comes from a poetry writing class. Teaching the course in person, after a couple weeks of workshop where all of the student poets receive feedback on their poems from the class, I usually give students a chance to actually revise their poems with me live during class.

We already use Google Docs for this activity. A student volunteer and I work on the poem together, talking through the revisions remote learning writing assignments the way. I would ask questions, make suggestions. We would fiddle around with the actual text of the poem, remote learning writing assignments, trying out lines one way then another, reading them aloud, deciding which the poet liked better, and so forth.

The intended benefit of the activity was not just for the individual students who volunteered to revise in front of their classmates but also for the whole class watching revision happen in real time.

Of the three strategies here, this one transitioned online the most seamlessly. My friend and fellow poet Anna Cotton volunteered to revise poems of ours together, as we have done remote learning writing assignments times over the years, remote learning writing assignments. But this time we recorded our revising sessions through Google Meet, precisely as in creating the video with my student in the previous strategy except instead of just discussing the text on the screen, we worked on the text on the screen.

Students watching the video on their own time would see the poems unfold and shift and change and often enough change back before changing again, as revision goes right before their eyes, while also hearing our discussion and deliberation of these changes as we went.

Finally, I invited any students who wanted to revise their own poems with me in the same way to schedule an appointment to do so. I share in the spirit of what Nancy Chick, Jennifer Friberg, and Lee Skallerup Bessette call pedagogical triage. These are innovations unfolding under the heat of immediate necessity.

Even so, I want to already start thinking about limitations and about revisions going forward. If these dynamics are threatened under the usual conditions of teaching online, then they must remote learning writing assignments all the more at risk with courses thrown online part way through remote learning writing assignments taught and taken.

But I suspect that they lean back in the right direction, capturing some aspects of being present together. The progress report chart allows timely give and take in a communal space.

The video of a discussion of the sample essay allows for verbal and nonverbal cues and response. And the videos of revision of poems demonstrates building knowledge not just individually but communally. Not bad consolation prizes under the circumstances, valuable enough, in fact, that I would like to use these same strategies in the future as supplements when teaching in person, remote learning writing assignments.

All the same, these strategies stand in need of refining. I know, for instance, that the videos I created are far longer than most students will likely watch and remote learning writing assignments I have shared them with my students without building in any activities or accountability for students to actually engage with the material.

Those are limitations I could address going forward. Finally, I am aware and concerned that all three resources might not be as accessible remote learning writing assignments possible for all students. For instance, those who use a screen reader or remote learning writing assignments do not have reliable high speed internet or a quiet place to watch a video might face unfair challenges in accessing these materials.

I am sure there are other factors I have not yet considered that affect access in other ways as well. So I intend to continue thinking remote learning writing assignments making these and other resources accessible, and welcome suggestions or feedback on that front, remote learning writing assignments.

In difficult circumstances for teaching and learning, for us and our students, accessibility matters more than ever. Your email address will not be published, remote learning writing assignments. The Center for the Advancement of Teaching aims to advance passionate, reflective, and evidence-informed teaching.

Center for the Advancement of Teaching. Three Strategies for Teaching Writing Remotely During the Pandemic. April 14, by Betsy Barre As the CAT has been recommending writing assignments as alternatives to closed-book exams, we thought it would be helpful to share some advice about teaching writing remotely.

Research Essay Progress Report Chart My school jumped to remote instruction just at the moment students in my English Composition II courses were about to begin the final research essay—the project toward which the whole course builds. Discussion of a Sample Research Essay Teaching composition in person, while students are working on their own research essays, I usually bring to class copies of a remote learning writing assignments student essay for us all to read together and discuss.

Live Revision Workshopping a Poem A third strategy comes from a poetry writing class, remote learning writing assignments. Subscribe Receive CAT remote teaching updates in your inbox. Email Address. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

Recent Posts CAT Guest Facilitator, Paul T. Corrigan: Facilitating Challenging Student Conversations in and after COVID, April 1, pm. Trauma-Informed Pedagogy. Archives Select Category Ask the CAT Assessment COVID19 Events Faculty Guest Post Surveys Teaching Zoom Alternatives Select Month March February January October September August July June May April March Center for the Advancement of Teaching The Center for the Advancement of Teaching aims to advance passionate, reflective, and evidence-informed teaching.

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8 Ways to Shift Writing Instruction for Remote Learning - Writable

remote learning writing assignments

4/9/ · For this week’s roundup of student comments on our writing prompts, we asked students how they have been coping with remote learning While remote instruction allows instruction to continue in situations where in-person meetings are impossible, some aspects of in-person instruction are difficult or impossible to replicate. Thus, ideally, exercises in asynchronous or remote creative writing classes should not aim to produce completed creative work, nor should they attempt to recreate every component of an in-person class That’s a pretty powerful connection that writing (and the self-discovery that it enables) unlocks. bell 1 student. This Bell 1 student demonstrated such great self-awareness about what the change would mean in their house and within themselves. Writing opens the door to this kind of self-discovery

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